Meet The Contributors

Sherri - SewBettyandDot
I’m Sherri from Sew Betty and Dot (I also have another Etsy shop for vintage, Betty and Dot—Betty
and Dot were my two sweet grandmothers). A Kentucky girl now living in SoCal, I have loved anything vintage—clothes, movies, home décor—since I was a teenager. All things sewing related, from patterns to books, fabric, and notions, make me swoon with delight (and they also fill my garage!). My personal interest in home sewing goes beyond the ability to make fabulous garments: I believe that patterns (and the illustrations on the envelopes) reflect not only changing fashion trends but women’s roles in society as well. While fashion is lovely to look at, when you delve into the origins of garments and their development/evolution over time, you can also learn volumes about history.
Ellen - KinseySue
Nessa - Clutterina
Hello everyone! I'm a long-time seamstress with a strong costuming and history background, and a deep love of fashion! Sewing patterns are an addiction, and I'm super-glad to have found a way to enjoy them every day. I'm excited every time I see a pattern envelope. I hope I can share some of that excitement and joy with readers out there. :)
MaryAnne - KeepsakeStudio