Sunday, September 25, 2016
Let's Add Links To The Vintage Sewing Patterns Wikia: A Tutorial For Beginners
So, you want to know how to add links to the Vintage Sewing Patterns Wikia, but it seems kind of complicated! Not to worry, I can help. It's not as scary as it seems.
Let me give you a simple tutorial on adding your pattern link to the Wikia.
First, of course you have to go to the Vintage Sewing Patterns Wiki at http://vintagepatterns.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page or by clicking HERE.
NOTE: These are instructions when using the CHROME browser. I don't know if all of these will work in other browsers, but it should be just about the same.
It's probably a good idea to have the pattern you want to add opened in one tab, and the Wikia opened in another. Then you can easily flip back and forth between them.
Next, you want to find the pattern to which you want to add your link.
In this case, I was looking for Vogue 1015, a pattern designed by Bill Blass. If a pattern is already in the database, it will pop up. You can highlight either the Vogue 1015 or Vogue 1015 A and hit "Enter," Make sure you use the search bar on the main Wikia homepage.
In this case, Vogue_1015 was the correct pattern I was looking for. But if it wasn't, you can add an "underscore" plus "A" to the end of the address and hit "Enter" again to look at the next entry in the Wikia.
This is me hypothetically typing the "_A" to check the next Wiki article. But since it was the correct entry on the first try, we don't have to do that.
So, now we'll scroll down to add our link!
See that little "Edit" next to "Sources/Vendors"? Click there. :)
Now in this case, some people have already added links. That's good, because it's easier for you. Put your cursor at the end of the last link, and hit "Enter." This will give you a new line with a new block next to it.
Now, you want to click on that funny looking button up there. That's the "Add Link" button.
This new window will pop up. It looks kind of scary, but don't be afraid. You can do this!
Where it says "Target page or URL" you copy/paste the link to the pattern in your shop.
Where it says "Text to display" you type the name of your shop.
Then you need to hit "OK" to save it.
Now, if you want to add a size next to the name of your shop... you can do that now. Don't add it as part of the link, write it after you've added the link. Then when you're done, make sure you hit "PUBLISH" to save it.
So, we looked at what to do if links are already there.. but what if they aren't? Don't worry, it's not much different.
See, no links! What should you do? Well, click the edit button just like last time.
This time, we're going to edit in "Source Mode" This is the better way to edit Wikia. Click the "Source" button.
This time, you're going to type in your link manually.
- First, type an asterisk.
- Next, type a left bracket like this: [
- Then, copy/paste the link to your listing.
- Then, type one space
- Then, type the name of your shop
- Then, type the right bracket like this: ]
Then, you can hit publish. If you want, before publishing, you can switch back to visual mode by clicking the "Visual" button to check to make sure everything looks okay.
Either way, make sure you hit "PUBLISH" or it won't save.
And that's all!!!!
Later, we'll talk about adding a whole new pattern listing to Wikia. It's a bit more complicated but we'll give it a go, right? :)
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