Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Featured Shop: Floradora Presents


Hi, my name is Barbara. I am the owner of FloraDora Presents on Etsy. After my children left the nest and I was retired, I started buying patterns for myself on Ebay. I mainly sewed little girls’ dresses—smocked and French Heirloom fancy frocks. My husband was baffled by my new hobby. I didn’t know why I felt that I needed to buy them, I just did. I loved the vintage adult dress patterns and the artfully rendered graphics. I opened my shop after my pattern collection continually grew as my husband and I began to plan our eventual downsize.

The Florodora Girls 

My Mother's Wedding Picture


My love of all things vintage began when I was a small girl. My mother was a Flapper and let me play with her bridal veil for hours especially during cold Pennsylvania winter days when outdoor playtime was lacking. She would tie it up to shorten it so it would not drag on the floor.  I keep this photo on a baker’s rack in my dining room. It always brings back wonderful memories of my childhood. 

                      Some of Floradora's Patterns                                                 
 1. Vogue 8299, 2. Simplicity 3310, 3. McCall 1391
        4. Advance Import 113, 5. McCall's 3187
           6. Advance 8049, 7. Vogue Paris Original 2184,
8. Butterick 1330

My other childhood pastimes during those cold Pennsylvania winters were coloring and paper dolls. When it came to the paper dolls, I insisted that I only wanted the Hollywood Movie Stars dolls in their beautiful dresses and gowns. I credit my early childhood exposure to fashion as the major influence that contributed to my love of vintage fashion. Today I still play with paper dolls with the help of Sewing Patterns and Photoshop!
            As a young woman, I graduated from George Peabody College (subsequently absorbed by Vanderbilt University). I live in Brentwood Tennessee, just south of Nashville. I worked for 45 years as a medical technologist (now retired).  My husband and I have two adult sons both living in California.  In December 2013, we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary, which means we are in the process of disencumbering our household in anticipation of moving to a smaller residence and that is how I came to ETSY in April of 2012. The time has come to scale down my pattern collection. I am thoroughly enjoying my time selling on Etsy especially as a member of the Pattern Patter Team.  I have enjoyed learning how to use Photoshop™ to bring the beautiful artwork back to life for others to enjoy. I love holding a piece of history in my hands. Finding my collection new homes where they will be appreciated and cared for brings me great joy.

Stop by and visit Barbara’s Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/FloradoraPresents  Enter COUPON CODE  bio2014    At Checkout for 10% OFF. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Focus On: Hearts

By Sherri from Sew Betty and Dot

In honor of Valentine's Day--coming up soon!--let's look at some lovely patterns from the Pattern Pattern team that feature hearts (no history lesson this time, just fun with the universal symbol of love as seen in sewing patterns--but did you know that the first representation of a heart to signify romantic love dates to a French manuscript from 1250?).

(As always, please click on the images to enlarge them.)

Top row, left to right: Anne Adams 4586: paneenjerez

So, do you wear your heart on your sleeve? Tell us in the comments!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

How To Use a McCall Pattern

Happy New Year Pattern Lovers!
Here's a fabulous bit of 1940s McCall history discovered by RetroMonkeys